Improvised, polymetric, modular, avant-pop, mess
Command line reference manager with a single source of truth: the .bib file. Inspired by beets.
Master thesis in Music Technology, Bar-Ilan Music Department
Android app to convert to and from OS grid reference.
Fake social behaviours in shared virtual environment
"Trendiness of OSS should be assessed by contribution rate, not by stars" - Meir Kriheli
My indie-rock band, lead by Stav German
"suspenders" in Yiddish
Turn the wheels manually with your pinky or a BICĀ® pen to play the cassettes; the higher the speed the faster the music.
A gesture to speech application
EEG controlled music for Brain Tech Israel 2013
Experimenting the Web-Audio API
Create teams automatically based on discrete scores of the players
"Doing Bayesian Data Analysis" in python