
Some pictures from ISTAS'13

Here are some pictures from the conference, which was great by the way.

Presenting the project

Thanks for Alexander Hayes for the picture

My desc in the exhibition hall

Me presenting the system in the exhibition hall

Amber case thumbsup!

Looks like Amber Case likes interactive music …

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Slideshow of my thesis presentation

In this slideshow you can taste a little bit of how the system and the experiment looks like. This slideshow originally made for my presentation at ISTAS'13 (and it contains much better animations then what …

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ARpArty, the first ScenePlayer Plus Bluetooth aware scene, is here for you

You are welcome to download and install ARpArty scene for ScenePlayer Plus from here. ARpArty was developed as an implementation of audio-based augmented reality system for interactive music consumption in a silent disco context and …

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ScenePlayer Plus

ScenePlayer Plus logo

ScenePlayer Plus is an enhanced version of ScenePlayer by Peter Brinkmann. It uses additional capabilities of the Android device that are not used by RjDj or ScenePlayer apps (Bluetooth is an example) but it is …

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Abstract: Audio­-only augmented reality system for social interaction

Tom Gurion

Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan

Nori Jacoby

Hebrew University, Jeruslam; Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan

We explore new possibilities for interactive music consumption by proposing an audio-only augmented reality system for social interaction. We designed and built …

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Thesis project Pure Data patch video demonstration

This demo shows how movement of participants in space affects the music they hear through their own Android device and headphones using the system in a silent disco party. In addition it demonstrate the influence …

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