
Create teams easily with Xteams!

Playing volleyball

I've been playing volleyball recently with a group of amateur players. In the last two months the size of our group has increased so much that it became very hard to create teams. And if …

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My research proposal

Baloon bundles on the dance floor

I've recently submitted my MA research proposal, titled: "Audio-Only Augmented Reality System for Social Interaction". Usually, research proposals aims to present the subject and describe the intents of the current research. This one is a …

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Some experiments with SimpleCV - object detection by color

Computer vision is way far from my daily interest. But last weekend I participated in a semi-hackathon, developing code that aims to detect and track cards by their color.

Credits deserve to this guy. I've …

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Web Audio API - some thoughts and experiments

For me, being able to use advance audio programming on the web looks like a dream just a couple of weeks ago, and I'm not the only one for sure. Doing audio programming, I've mainly …

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In the last few weeks I was participating in the first session of "Hackita", which means "The classroom" in Hebrew. This project aims to bring people from different backgrounds to learn and develop open source …

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Compare food prices in Jerusalem - a new mini-web-project

Two things happened recently, I've moved to the holly city and started to learn Python. Here are the consequences: a mini web app to compare food prices, written in Django and deployed to pythonanywhere, for …

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MusiGali video demonstration

A screen capture of MusiGali Ableton Live set. All the details are here.

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MusiGali - EEG controlled music for Brain Tech Israel 2013

A project by Giori Politi, Sharon Duek, Jonathan Abramson and myself which developed / composed especially for the Brain Tech Israel 2013 conference this week. In this project we created a musical soundtrack based on mind …

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Find nearby Bluetooth devices with BT-logger

With this new Android app you can get information about nearby Bluetooth devices. The application collect the name, address, RSSI value and time of discovery of nearby Bluetooth devices and write them to file in …

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Poster presentation for HCI International 2013

Next week I'm going to present my master thesis in HCI International 2013 conference in Las Vegas. The poster is already in printing: 42" x 60" with glossy finish. But for the most of you …

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