
OpenAI Model Spec

OpenAI has recently published a document titled 'Model Spec'. It defines an ethics and norms framework models should follow. A few things that stood out:

  • It surprisingly resembles Isaac Asimov's "Three Laws of Robotics", with …
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Deployment tech for the hobbyist, again

TL;DR: Try Dokku if you want to run multiple toy web apps on a single server and keep the cost at minimum.

Dokku logo with name

Let's talk, yet again, about deploying toy web apps. I wrote about …

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Remote TidalCycles jamming setup

TidalCycles logo

TidalCycles (tidal in short) is a live coding language for music performance / composition. I don't use it myself but been playing with a live coder, Lizzie, AKA digital selves, for the last year …

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bibo, the command line reference manager, is in beta now!

bibo beta release banner

bibo is a command line reference manager with a single source of truth: the .bib file. It is inspired by beets. After 3 years in the making I believe it's ready …

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The Krihelinator reached end-of-life

The Krihelinator RIP

After more than 4 years online, the Krihelinator was shut down today. The idea behind this project was to propose an alternative to github's trading page by highlighting projects with high contribution rate instead of …

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New portfolio site

Yet again, I have a new portfolio site. Actually, it's just a redesign. Wanted to simplify the previous over-the-top site. Check it out at Here's a reminder for how the old one looked …

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Intro to git workshop

A 4 hours introduction to git workshop for my PhD fellas. Based on an old git crash course blog post.

git logo


  • Keep your projects organized.
  • Collaborate with others.
  • Get involved with open source.

Command what …

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Dead of Winter: The Long Night - A DIY box insert

As if there were not enough different topics mashed together in the blog, here's another one. I'm into board games, and recently got Dead of Winter: The Long Night. This blog post is about the …

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Getting started with Python for data analysis

Python books covers

A few days ago another friend asked me to recommend reading materials to get started with python. Yesterday, I saw this tweet.

"When you’ve written the same code 3 times, write a function. When you’ve given the same in-person advice 3 times, write a blog post" - David Robinson‏

So here I am, writing this blog post.

A short disclaimer: I like …

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Python vs. elixir for a web-app wrapper for a script

Python vs. elixir

I'm a facing a project with the following requirements:

  • An existing script should be wrapped with a web server.
  • The script takes 10-30 seconds to run, so just let the user wait for it to …
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