Python vs. elixir for a web-app wrapper for a script

Python vs. elixir

I'm a facing a project with the following requirements:

I created a repo with two projects, in python and elixir, to see how easy / hard the task will be with each technology. You can find the repo here. The frontend, and the demo script to run, are the same for both projects. Getting and validating user input is not demonstrated, as it should be straightforward in both languages. The idea was to compare the concurrency stuff.


The implementation is based on aiohttp, with no much extras. There is a global counter to track the number of active scripts. A new POST request checks the counter. If it reaches the maximal allowed active scripts a 503 error is returned, indicating that the service is unavailable. Otherwise, first, the counter is incremented. Then, asyncio.create_subprocess_exec is used to call the script. Lastly, the result is returned to the user, and the counter is decremented under finally.


The general idea is very similar. The server is based on cowboy and plug. Instead of a global counter I'm using poolboy to create a pool of workers for calling the script. On each POST request, if the pool if full, the 503 error is returned. Otherwise, the script is called and the result is returned to the user.


I'm a complete asyncio newbie, and wasn't sure how complex the implementetion will be. It always feel a bit restrictive for me. For example, without the already implemented asyncio.subprocess module, following the requirements would be much more difficult. I'm also more confident with elixir, as I use it almost exclusively for everything web-based. With elixir you can use whatever library you want and make use of all of the concurrency feature of the language without any special adapters. Surprisingly, the python solution ended up much simpler than I thought, and it is much shorter than the elixir solution (mainly due to the way a project is structured in elixir). So, I ended with two easy to use options, hence the decision between them will be even harder. Or maybe it's time to properly learn asyncio.